Edelstein / Gemstone: Farbwechsel-Granat / Colorchange Garnet
Gewicht / Weight: 1,12 Carat
Größe / Size: 6,5 x 5,5 mm (4,5 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: SI kleine Einschlüsse / SI small inclusions
Farbe / Color: Braun im Tageslicht, violett im Kunstlicht / brown in daylight, violet in artifical light
Schliff / Cut: Tropfen / pear
Herkunft / Origin: Madagaskar
Faceted Garnet from Madagascar with fine colorchange. In daylight the Garnet is brown in nature - on the daylight picture the Garnet already changes the color. Due to the colorchange abilities of Garnet it is not possible to get the natural colors on the photo. In weak artificial light, e.g. the light of a candle or a light bulb the color of the Garnet change into a violet color. Rare gemstone for jewelry or the collection.